About us

Who we are

Bains Rajput Foundation established by professionals under the leadership of Raja Muhammad Ishaque Sairey, who wanted to unite Bains Community. Bains Rajput Foundation is a social, cultural and economic collaboration that wants to help each other.

We serve as a link and to provide a platform for interaction between Bains Rajputs  in Kashmir & across the world.

We promote and supports the cause of Bains Rajput & Diaspora by making representations at different levels. We provide a common platform for the present and future generations of Rajputs, behold and preserve the Rajput culture, traditions, and values. We are working on the political awareness and importance of our community in the region.

We host events and programs promoting cultural, artistic, economic and academic activities.

We conduct various social and humanitarian activities for disadvantaged and needy.

We promote youth activities and entrepreneurship through various programs.

We establish and develop links with other Rajput organizations throughout the world.

We do all that is needed to preserve and protect the best interests of our members in accomplishing the common objectives.

Our approach

Our Mission
We make sure all Bains Rajputs get all the support they need.

Whether it is a reassuring conversation, financial help, education, professional training, or simply the assurance that they are not alone, we will make sure that everyone gets support that meets them where they’re at as quickly as possible.

Our Vision
We want to build a community that stays, works, grows together.

We always look to go from aerial to depth. We are building community to support education, health care, poverty alleviation , pool funds, collaborations, businesses, restoring heritage, reshaping political existence, mentoring, youth development, women empowerment, retirement ventures, legal assistance.

Our Partners

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
Members Worldwide
0 K+
Children Helped
0 +
Funds Raised
$ 0 M+
Food Provided
0 T